Friday, 15 March 2024

First evening flying of the Spring

 I might not always be feeling like it but the longer nights gave me the chance to get the Wyverns to the slope for an evening's fun.  Fun really is the best way to describe the evening.  I've been steadily improving the model's set up so it carries the energy through  it's maneuvers better and better.

  I wouldn't say that I'm going to be starting to pump at the races this year but from the first flight I was giving it a go.  The Wyvern doesn't seem to need the same all up weight as the Saker to get it going around the corners.  When I have flown the Saker and Wyvern back to back they each deliver similar performances- but through a different route.

  The Wyvern model's agility delivers a rapid and accurate roll rate.

Looking forward to some more fun evenings with my new toys!


Friday, 8 March 2024

Bump start the summer league

   In order kick start a pilot or 2's summer flying I've decided to make an offer on the New Wyvern design.  If a group of club mates want to make a combined order of 3-4 models ( I hope with the aim to race these models). I will have the models shipped to your door for £600 each.

Contact me for details if  your interested in getting your hands on my latest favorite model.