Blue skies, a light breeze and my repaired Willow 2 remaidened- sometimes the enjoyment of simply flying is fantastic. Meeting up with some flying mates just topped things off- thanks for the pictures guys!
The Willow2 fuselage took a beating at the Welsh open, 2 re-flights and 3 nights out the cause. My repair is by no means invisible but she did fly off straight and that’ll do for me! It’s the first time in a long time I’ve flown with no ballast, the W2 still covered the sky really nicely and made spotting what lift there was easy.
Flying the Merlin Back to back with the W2 was an interesting comparison. I’ve always loved my Wizard Compacts, the Merlin is reminding me more and more of the Wiz as I slowly tweak the set up. I really love the look of the top of the wing now the horns are at skin level. But for easy responsive flying and putting a smile on my face- love it
The problem is that the new Merlin at home is calling me. I’m not sure if the new lengthened Joiner and bagged spars are calling or just because it looks gorgeous. Anyone want a Merlin and I build this oneJ