Sunday, 24 April 2022

A change of wing

   Another weekend failing to get out to fly but my new 3m wing has arrived with the modifications for testing.  It's one of the real fun parts of producing models when you have a manufacturer who is as keen to get things right.

  A few pilots have asked me about the wing servos in my Falcons and as the 3m is pretty much the same, I took a quick picture of the aileron servo between wings.  The King Max servos have proved to be bullet proof so far.

  I use the Frames from Flightech as well as the horns in LDS packs.  But I like the Horns that come with the models and good old 2mm Mutliplex clevises.  The arms that come with the LDS packs fit nicely under the wing skins.

  One thing I've been playing with is some epoxy and carbon around the 2mm threaded push rods.  Once adjusted to size I find this gets rid of any flex and slop in the fixings.  The result gives me slop free controls.

Thursday, 7 April 2022

Back to basics with the kids

   The plan was a sunny day's flying with the kid's foamie and the occasional thermal and thrash with my Falcon to avoid the painting at home. 

  With the wind far stronger than forecast and expected the morning soon became a backwards flying session as the little foamie got more and more battered. But it was so much fun!  A day that really reminded me of the reasons we started this mad sport in the first place.  

  The Falcon made me look far better than I am to impress the kids.  Having 1 model that I've ballast up on the Crest, thermalled on a club day and then carved around on the next day out makes life so easy.   

  If you like a model, you'll fly it more and fly it better with a smile on you face.