Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Stormy maiden

 Nope, not a row at home but between the current storms the new Saker I have just completed was taken out.  Stiff, strong and stable the Saker was soon scooting round the sky.  A few landings and tweaks were made and indeed more ballast progressively added.  I think the production Sakers are around 300g lighter than the first one- this is the weight of one of the ballast slugs I use.

  The one other pilota daft enough to be out commented on just how set the Saker looks in the air.

  A shower forced me back to the car and the opportunity to change to a loaded Falcon- well you have to have some fun don't you!  

  Too cold and wet for pictures but a huge smile on my way home and that's definitely a great way to ed the year.  Home to see you on a slope on 2023!

Friday, 23 December 2022

Last thrash before christmas

  Between the showers the chance to get out and thrash the falcon was not going to be turned down.

  I've been playing with different CG settings in different conditions. By replacing the front slug and and block as bellow- this made a positive difference to EM style turns in the 10-13mps conditions. Have a play yourself. 

  Slope dog andd me have probably had more time on slopes this year than recent years- I'm pretty sure she's still enjoying it!  Time on the sticks has always brought a smile to my face, the models have been a joy to fly in just about all conditions. 

See you in 2023!


Sunday, 18 December 2022

Some Winter madness

    For the second time in a month, the race I was hoping to get to was cancelled and I've found myself on the slope flying.  A couple of weeks ago it was on Whitesheet's north slope and yesterday I was with friends on the back of the wrecker.  It s didn't take too long to remember that there's no such thing as bad weather- just the wrong clothing (I really hope Santa brings me some new boots!).

  It was conditions that I would normally head to Mickies and avoid the back of the wrecker- where I have consistently performed badly in races.  As I moved the Saker between different lines on the slope to find the fastest I was really glad that I had taken the plunge and flown.

  Flying with other pilots doing similar runs and aims is always a great opportunity to chat about what is working and everyone get better and faster.  With all the obvious observations that open turns maintained and helped to build speed, the Saker felt as if there was a step at which EM just feels so easy and natural.

  Walking across snow covers grass is never fun and my landings left something to be desired, twice I managed too spear the Saker into the ground with some very positive approaches.  Each time there was no more damage than wiping away the dirt.

  A cold but fun day with some excellent company.