Monday 18 June 2012

we've gone electric!

The first Willow electric is about finished and it looks like it's going to be a belter.  A 5S 2700mah power pack driving a B50 8L fits comfortably and delivers 500W per Kilo.  The final model has come out at 2.9kg.  With the willow wings the strongest I've come across they're taylor made for the job.

The only extra part needed is a motor mount as the internal servo tray and inner nose are reversed and slot together perfectly.

The Willow has established itself as the best value F3F model out there but now it's got to be the best 3m hot liner out there now.

1 comment:

  1. That looks blooming great... It just looks right. Get it down here Ian and lets have a look at it in the flesh.
