Monday, 21 May 2012

Fun Morning at Aggies.

  A Sunday morning pass and forecasted northerly winds had my car full of Willows and heading for Aggie(St Agnes head to you) to meet up with  F3F mate Roger and some fun.  The winds were light at the start and so I left it to Roger to test the air with his Baboon’s arse.  It’s didn’t take long before I had the Willow going (sorry I forgot to hand the transmitter over Roger- next time). 

  After the usual amount of head scratching and discussion on Snapflap and the like that’s inevitable when you meet up with a fellow moldie flyer we’d decided that – that “do what you like and enjoy it” was the answer just as more pilots started to arrive.  It’s great that the Slope can accommodate such a variety of models, from foamie powered gliders to scale and F3X toys, all with good humour and all the time in the world.

  After chatting to a couple of the foamie flyers after they had been surprised at the weight of my  Willow and Rogers’s baboons arse still flying in some light sea lift I offered to launch a 4m Condor semi-scale model- big heavy toy that but it was flown beautifully and ate up the sky.

  The Willow, as ever, took the light lift wonderfully well and a couple of flights with my re-maidened racer just felt on rails.  I just love having that confidence from knowing the model will fly in just about anything and won’t bite.  Roger and his Caldera could be one to beat in the next race or 2!

  No Pictures of the Willow but a few snaps of a great morning- I’ll be back for more.

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